Your furry friend must be over 12 months old. This distance of 5km is achievable for all dogs over this age and all breeds can take part.

We ask that you check with your veterinary practice before entering, to confirm that your dog can take part. They may also advise giving your dog a health check before he or she enters the event with you, if they’ve never run with you before. This is more important for the run than the 5km walk.

You will need to consider breed specifics and you are responsible for your own dog’s welfare whilst at the event.

No head collars, choke chains or flexi leads are permitted.

You don’t need to use a canicross lead which is a waist belt with a 2m bungee cord attached to a padded dog harness. However, these do make running with your dog a lot safer, more comfortable for both you and your dog and even make you run faster as your dog pulls you up that hill! If you attempt to run with your dog on a normal lead, and you notice that the lead is pressing on their throat, please do consider purchasing a canicross harness. These are sold in most good pet shops and can be tried out at our event.

You must ensure that the dog you’re bringing to the event is owned (cared for) in accordance with the law. In case of an injury (where there is no responsibility of any others), competitors are covered by event insurance.

Runners must allow their dogs to drink. There will be water stations for dogs available at the start/finish area as well as along the route.

Dogs must be kept on a lead AT ALL TIMES, whilst at an event UNLESS to do so would present a danger for the dog, the owner, or others.

Any fouling must be cleared away and disposed of responsibly. Dog litter bins will be provided on site.

Muzzles may be used but they must be the open, basket type, through which dogs can drink and take treats.

Runners are not allowed to wear shoes that could be dangerous for dogs. Shoes with metal spikes are strictly forbidden. Trail shoes are allowed.

Please complete the entry form accurately for both you and your dog. We will need to know if your dog is on any medication and don’t forget tick protection!

We ask that you consider the weather forecast for this event. If it is unseasonably warm then your dog will need extra water which will be available at the start, finish and the 2.5km mark.

We ask that no bitches in season, pregnant or nursing bitches take part in the event.

Please have a poop plan! There won’t be dog litter bins on the route so if your dog does need to do its business, unless its in the undergrowth please pick it up, bag it and bring it back to the finish line with you. We recommend that you give your dog enough time ‘to go’ before the start of the event, just like us humans!

Even though we’re rewarding your dogs with doggy bags & treats, please don’t give them straight away. Just like us, your dog’s stomach will need a little rest before digesting anything. Let them have a drink and a chill out and appreciate their dog tag first.

Lastly, have fun! Your dog is your excited exercise partner who will have achieved a 5km walk/run with you in the K9 Challenge! When you finish the event, you should be smiling and your dog should be wagging its tail and asking for more……




Unfortunately we are unable to offer refunds once you've entered, as we begin incurring costs as soon as we plan the event. We will happily discuss deferring an entry, please contact the organisers.

At your own risk

On entering the K9 Challenge, you and your dog do so at your own risk. The event organisers shall not be liable for any injury, damage or loss howsoever suffered by participants as a result of their participation. The event organisers take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of injury & there is a detailed risk assessment in place that aims to minimise all risks. However, by entering the K9 Challenge, you acknowledge that there may be circumstances beyond the control of the organisers that can lead to unforeseen risks.

Photography & filming at the event

Please note that you may be filmed or photographed whilst taking part in the event and the film/photographs will be used for marketing purposes only. Entering the event means that you are giving your permission to be filmed or photographed.



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Our 2020 Charity Partner is still to be confirmed. Previous Charity Partners
include RSPCA Brighton and Support Dogs



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